Friday, April 29, 2011

Cara Menghilangkan Timer Download Rapidshare, Megaupload, dan 4shared

dapat trick lagi dari imam4free, ni tricknya :

"Cara Menghilangkan Timer Download Rapidshare, Megaupload, dan 4shared"

Caranya gampang aja.
Ketika timer download sedang berjalan, kalian langsung aja ketik

( javascript:var c=0 )

di addres bar browser sobat. 

Baca Selengkapnya - Cara Menghilangkan Timer Download Rapidshare, Megaupload, dan 4shared

Cara Mengembalikan Akun Facebook Yang Di Banned Admin

jika account kita di banned sama admin facebookn. ni caranya

1. Buka account email (alamat email) yang kamu pakai untuk daftar di facebook.

2. Isi alamat tujuan To:
dan di CC: (inget! email ke  keduanya saja!)

3. Subjectnya kamu isi “Unblock/Enabled Return My Account in FB” (tanpa tanda kutip)

4. Isi emailnya ceritain SINGKAT masalahnya apa, misal : “My FB account is locked, please order to re-enable my FB account again.” atau “Why does my facebook account disabled? Can I get back my account again? Please help to unlock my FB account. Thanks!” (tanpa tanda kutip)

5. Klik send. Tunggu beberapa jam (kalau beruntung…) pasti dibales.

6. Terus ditunggu, mungkin sekitar 1 hari kemudian akan ada email berisi kenapa account 

facebook Anda di disable dan pernyataan bahwa accountmu sekarang sudah diaktifkan kembali.

7. Coba Login lagi ke Facebook pake email dan password yang biasanya. 

Baca Selengkapnya - Cara Mengembalikan Akun Facebook Yang Di Banned Admin
Jika kita sudah dan banyak menginstal aplikasi Program, terkadang kita merasakan kalau Komputer kita semakin lambat jalannya. Ibarat keong yang keberatan bawa rumahnya. Tapi jangan khawatir, ada beberapa tip yang dapat kita lakukan tanpa harus ke Teknisi, selain mengirit biaya juga menambah ilmu

1. Disable Setting Service
1. Klik start>Run>ketik "services.msc"
2. Dobel klik service yg hendak diubah
3. Ubah startup type menjadi \'Disable"

2. Matikan System Restore
System restore bisa bermanfaat jika komputer bermasalah, akan tetapi semua restore point yg disimpan bisa memakan ruangan yg cukup besar di harddisk. System restore membebani karena selalu memonitor sistem, dengan mendisable system restore maka sebagian resorce bisa dialokasikan untuk hal yg lain.

1. Buka Control Panel
2. Klik Performance and Maintenance
3. Klik System
4. Klik System Restore tab
5. Klik \'Turn off System Restore on All Drives\'
6. Klik \'Ok\'

3. Defrag Pagefile
Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan untuk menyusun atau menyegarkan susunan File di komputer. Walaupun di Windows sendiri ada sistem defrag file yang internal namun kita ridak ada salahnya mencoba aplkiasi yang ini, selain Sourcenya yang kecil, kemampuannya sangat penting and sekali lagi support dengan defragnya windows

1. Download and Run PageDefrag
2. kasih centang pada "Defrag at next Reboot",
3. Klik OK
4. Reboot

4. Mempercepat Akses Folder - Dengan Mendisable Last Access Update
Jika anda memiliki banyak folder dan subdirectories, maka akses ke Direktory2 Windows XP terasa sangat berat dan seringkali cuman membuang waktu. Dengan mengupdate time stamp di registry, yaitu last access update untuk semua sub directory. Proceed with caution: Langkah berikut bukan untuk N00bie

1. Start>Run>regedit
2. "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Contr ol\\FileSystem"
3. Klik kanan di bagian yg kan (cari area yg kosong), lalu pilih \'DWORD Value\'
4. Bikin DWORD Value dengan nama \'NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate\'
5. Klik kanan pada value baru terus pilih \'Modify\'
6. Ubah data menjadi \'1\'
7. Klik \'OK\'

5. Non Aktifkan Microsoft System Sounds
Secara default MS sound systems membuat komputer berbunyi/bersuara ketika booting awal, shutdown, error, dll. Skenario suara windows jelas membuat komputer lebih lambat (terutama dalam waktu shutdown dan booting awal), untuk me-non-aktifkan silahkan ikuti langkah berikut:

1. Buka Control Panel
2. Klik Sounds and Audio Devices
3. Klik tab Sounds
4. Pilih "No Sounds" dari Sound Scheme
5. Klik "No"
7. Klik "Apply"
8. Klik "OK"

6. Mempercepat waktu Boot
Fitur yg lumayan asik dari Windows XP adalah kemampuan untuk mendefrag ketika ada dalam proses booting. Boot Defrag pada prinsip menata file2 yg relevan dengan booting secara berurutan. Secara default fitur ini telah diaktifkan pada beberapa Build Windows, tapi beberapa build windows tidak, ada baiknya kalo kita cross check terhadap fiotur yg satu ini.

1. Start Menu>Run
2. Regedit
3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Dfrg\\BootOptimizeFunction
4. Cari "Enable" dibagian kanan regedit
5. Klik "Modify"
6. Pilih "Y to enable"
7. Reboot

Bootvis juga bisa dicoba, untuk memangkas waktu boot dengan manufer yg manis.

7. Mempercepat Performa Swapfile
Jika anda memiliki ram lebih besar dari 256MB bisa dibilang tweaking yg ini akan membuat sistem anda berjalan lebih cepat. Tweaking ini pada dasarnya PC kita mengunakan setiap byte dari memori fisik yg terpasang di komputer kita, SEBELUM mengunakan swap file.

1. Start>Run
2. "msconfig.exe">ok
3. Klik tab System.ini
4. Klik tanda plus pada tab 386enh
5. Klik kotak new kemudian ketik "ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1"
6. Klik OK
7. Restart

8. Mempercepat Loading Windows Menu
Tweak ini adalah tweaking fav saya, karena akan komputer kita terasa lebih cepat. Tweaking ini membuang waktu delay ketika kita mengklik menu dan windows XP menampakkan Menu.

1. Start>Run
2. Regedit>Ok
3. "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\"
4. Pilih/Sorot "MenuShowDelay"
5. Klik kanan dan pilih "Modify\'
6. Ketik angka "100"
Angka 50-150 adalah kisaran yg baik, bisa disesuaikan dengan Mood anda

9. Mempercepat Loading Program
Tweaking ini bisa berjalan untuk sebagian besar program. Jika program tidak mau loading seperti yg diharapkan, silahkan aja dikembalikan ke setting semula.

1. Klik kanan pada icon/shortcut yg berkaitan dengan program.
2. properties
3. Pada kotak \'target\', tambahkan \' /prefetch:1\' diakhir kalimat.
4. Klik "Ok"
gampang kan, Program akan loading lebih cepat.

10. Mempercepat Shutdown Windows XP
Tweaking ini mengurangi waktu tunggu secara otomatis ketika windows sudah menerima instruksi untuk shutdown.

1. Start>Run
2. \'Regedit\'>OK
3. \'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\\'
4. Sorot \'WaitToKillAppTimeout\'
5. Klik kanan dan pilih modify
6. Ubah value menjadi \'1000\'
7. Klik \'OK\'
8. Sorot \'HungAppTimeout\'
9. Klik kanan dan pilih modify
10. Ubah value menjadi \'1000\'
11. Klik \'OK\'
12. \'HKEY_USERS\\.DEFAULT\\Control Panel\\Desktop\' sorot WaitToKillAppTimeout\'
13. Klik kanan dan pilih modify
14. Ubah value ke \'1000\'
15. Klik \'OK\'
16. \'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Contr ol\\\' sorot
17. Klik kanan dan pilih modify
18. Ubah value menjadi \'1000\'
19. Klik \'OK\'. 

Baca Selengkapnya -

Trik Membuat Komputer Bisa Bicara

ada komputer bisa bicara.....!!!  ternyata emang ada ane copy dari imam4free, ni katany :

Penasaran ga sobat blogger sama judul Tips Membuat Komputer Kita Berbicara? pasti penasaran kan? haha. Emang komputer bisa berbicara?  Dibilang engga ya engga, dibilang bisa iya tapi bisa, aduhhh, gimana ini ya? jadi bingung. haha. Oke, kalau bingung mendingan kita coba praktikan saja, biar lebih mudeng. Cekidot Ke TKP! :D
1. Buka Notepad.
2. Copy Paste script berikut :
Dim msg, sapi
msg = InputBox ( "Kata apa yang ingin aku ucapkan untukmu wahai manusia?", "Masukkan Kata")
Set sapi = CreateObject ( "sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

3. Save as - Pada Save As Type pilih All FIles - Kemudian simpan dengan nama imam4free.vbs
4. Jalankan program

Gimana? Bisa ngomong kan komputernya? haha. :D
Selamat Bereksperimen sobat. :) 

Baca Selengkapnya - Trik Membuat Komputer Bisa Bicara

Keygen Adobe Creative Suite CS5 Master Collection

Software ini request dari temen saya Hanavi. Ini software Keygen Adobe CS5 Master Collection. Buat teman-teman yang misalnya punya Photoshop CS5 atau Dreaweaver CS5 dll yang masih trial, bisa pakai software yang satu ini agar produk CS5 kita menjadi Full Version. Oke. :)

Ini Screenshootnya:

.link download klik disini

Via Ziddu [167.88 KB]  

Baca Selengkapnya - Keygen Adobe Creative Suite CS5 Master Collection

Internet Download Manager Optimizer

Internet Download Manager Optimizer adalah software yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja Internet Download Manager itu sendiri. Cara penggunaannya sangatlah mudah, hanya menekan Maximize Now!, restars IDM, jalankan lagi.


link download klik disini jika tidak berhasil klik disini

[300 KB

Baca Selengkapnya - Internet Download Manager Optimizer

Jurig Escape ( made in Indonesia)

Jurig Escape adalah game horor buatan anak Indonesia
Game ini bercerita tentang seorang siswi yang terjebak di sekolah dan tidak bisa keluar sekolah kalau ia belum mengumpulkan jiwa yang sesat yang berada pada karakter setan yang harus kita bunuh dengan pistol kalau kita ingin mendapatkan jiwa yang uang sesat itu. Gimana? Tertarik ga buat maininnya?
Game ini sistem memainkannya hampir sama dengan CS.

link download klik disini jika tidak berhasil klik disini 

Baca Selengkapnya - Jurig Escape ( made in Indonesia)

Jurig Escape ( made in Indonesia)

Jurig Escape adalah game horor buatan anak Indonesia
Game ini bercerita tentang seorang siswi yang terjebak di sekolah dan tidak bisa keluar sekolah kalau ia belum mengumpulkan jiwa yang sesat yang berada pada karakter setan yang harus kita bunuh dengan pistol kalau kita ingin mendapatkan jiwa yang uang sesat itu. Gimana? Tertarik ga buat maininnya?
Game ini sistem memainkannya hampir sama dengan CS.

link download klik disini jika tidak berhasil klik disini 

Baca Selengkapnya - Jurig Escape ( made in Indonesia)

Winning Eleven 9 Full

game winning ada lagi...... Walaupun ini game lawas, tapi masih mempunyai banyak penggemarnya. Ya, WE9. Saya sendiri pun salah satu penggemar dari game ini. Walaupun sudah ada PES 2011 yang grafiknya lebih baik dibanding WE 9, tapi sbagian orang masih suka dengan game ini.

Part 1
Part 2
Serial: 53YK - 5D5W - VWCD - H7LV - 352H
Password Mediafire: imam4free
Total: [925 MB]
Via Indowebster 

Untuk download updatenya 31 Januari 2011 ukuran [1018 KB] klik disini
jika tidak berhasil klik disini

Baca Selengkapnya - Winning Eleven 9 Full

Monday, April 25, 2011

Trucker 2

                                 | PC | Genre: Truck Simulator | 190 MB

King of the Road is back! Trucker 2 lets you sit once again behind the wheel of a truck and race on American highways. Player can choose order of his missions. There are nearly 60 of them. You can choose one of 5 different trucks which can be upgraded and modified in your garage. Road's surroundings are destructible, and the damage is visible on cars. It will affect car handling too.

* 60 levels
* 5 different types of trucks
* 3 difficulty levels
* realistic physic based on NvidiaPhysXengine
* visible car damage
* Large, beautiful locations
* Tuning
* Varying day time and weather conditions
* Power-ups
* Traffic and police
* ability to use custom textures and HUD
* steering wheels and game pad support 


System Requirements :
* Processor: Pentium IV 1.8 GHz or better
* Memory: 1 GB
* Hard Drive: 700 MB
* Video Memory: DirectX Compatible With Pixel Shader 2.0
* Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
* DirectX: 9.0c
* Keyboard & Mouse
* CD Rom Drive
Game requires PhysX , you can download it from

                                                           Password:- raja

Baca Selengkapnya - Trucker 2

Battlefield 1942

 | First-Person Shooter | {216MB}

With online multiplayer support for up to 64 players, the WWII experience hits close to home in Battlefield 1942. Be brave and never falter--your fellow soldiers are counting on you. You'll experience the heat of battle as you heroically storm the beaches of Normandy, drive a tank across the deserts of northern Africa, pilot a fighter plane during the Battle of Midway, command a battleship at Guadalcanal, or parachute over Market Garden. Soldiers from the United States, Germany, England, Russia, and Japan clash on land, sea, and air on the world stage.
* Machines of War. Pilot a heavy bomber over the drop zone or engage in a dogfight in a swift fighter. Fire the guns of a mighty battleship or prowl the sea-lanes in a silent submarine. Charge across the desert in a powerful tank or transport troops into the heat of battle in an armored APC.
* Battle Online. Go online with up to 64 players to take part in a raging battle that requires teamwork and cooperation from each member in order to achieve victory.
* Choose Your Side. Enter the war as a soldier in one of five different armies - US, German, British, Russian, or Japanese.
* Specialized Character Kits. Enter the battle as one of five specialized character classes - assault, medic, scout, anti-tank, engineer - each with unique strengths and weaknesses.
* Arm Yourself for Action! Choose from 19 authentic WWII handheld weapons to take into battle, including 2 stationary machine guns.
* A Global Conflict. Wage war across 16 huge, highly detailed maps from 4 WWII theaters - North Africa, South Asia Pacific, Western Europe and Eastern Europe.
* Unlimited Action. 3 multiplayer modes - Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Conquest -- as well as a robust single player experience.


Hardware Requirements
System: PIII 500 or equivalent
Video Memory: 32 MB VRAM
Hard Drive Space: 1200 MB
Sound Board: Yes
DirectX: DirectX v8.1 

Password:- raja

link download


NB: Theres a registry entry in there. Right click on it and click something like “Open with” and then something like “Choose from list”.
From the list that pops up now, choose notepad.
Now this will show up in your notepad:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


“GAMEDIR”=”..\\Battlefield 1942?

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\1.00.001]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 1942]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 1942\ergc]

Change the “Spanish” to “English” and save. Then close the notepad.
Now go to the Battlefield 1942 folder again and RUN the registry entry.
There you go, your game is English now
Baca Selengkapnya - Battlefield 1942

Delta Force Black Hawk Down

 | {174MB}
In late 1993, the United States launched dual military operations in Mogadishu, Somalia. Delta Force Operatives and Army Rangers were sent in to capture Somali warlords and restore order. Experience the intense combat of Operation Restore Hope in this groundbreaking first-person shooter. As a Delta Force operative participate in a number of daring and intense raids against the oppressive Somaliwarlords in and around Mogadishu.



Password:- raja
link download

Baca Selengkapnya - Delta Force Black Hawk Down

Need For Speed - Hot Pursuit 2

| PC Game| {51MB}
Need for Speed (NFS) is back and better than ever in Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2! Engage in the next generation thrill of arcade racing with the spiritual successor to the highly acclaimed, award winning Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit.

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 stays true to the heritage of housing a stable of over 20 exclusive and exotic cars from the world's most coveted licensors including Ferrari, Porsche and Lamborghini... to name a few.
Drafting on its award-winning legacy, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 will deliver an exciting, intense arcade driving experience. The game includes a variety of open road environments that truly come to life, consisting of river crossings, waterfalls, beaches, volcanoes and brush fires.
Over 20 courses, some of which are more than 15 miles long, provide the widest variety of driving challenges.
Animated drivers and cops give life to the drivers within the game, bringing added emotion to the world of these exotic super cars.
Become the king of the road by conquering numerous racing events, all carrying rewards such as cars, tracks and high performance model upgrades. The game challenges the driver to dodge traffic, police and natural elements in high speed and high style... in the true NFS style you have been acustomed to!
"Be The Cop" mode lets players actually get behind the wheel of a police car and attempt to bust those pesky law-breakers. For added multiplayer enjoyment, square off against a friend to see if justice can be served

Password:- raja

Baca Selengkapnya - Need For Speed - Hot Pursuit 2

Dead Reefs

 |PC Game|{199MB}

The Island of Dead Reefs was infamous for the wicked pirate inhabitants that would lure passing ships into the reefs slaughtering their crews and looting their cargo as the ships would sink. One stormy evening while on a fateful mission to a neighboring island an ancient order of monks decided to set anchor on Dead Reefs to take refuge only to fall victim to the vile pirates led by the corrupt island ruler Baron DeSantra. After murdering the ship s captain and searching his body the Baron would discover an old relic far more evil than any of them could ever imagine!Since that fateful night a horrifying madness has been infecting the minds of the island residents resulting in a murder every nine years.

                                                      Believing that the massacre of the monks had cursed their island the residents ended their pirating ways but the deaths continued! Days before the anticipated 11th death was to occur a descendant of the wicked Baron DeSantra mysteriously died. You are the ingenious investigator Amadeo Finvinero and you have been sent by the King to discover the source of all the evil plaguing the island of Dead.


Password:- raja

download link

Baca Selengkapnya - Dead Reefs


 | PC GAME | {88 MB}

Activision did this, in part, by releasing a Treyarch-developed Spider-Man 2 game on the Xbox, PlayStation 2, and GameCube. But for some reason that game didn't make its way to the PC. Instead, PC owners are getting a completely different game. Between the game's overly simplified gameplay mechanics and its weak presentation, this is definitely a case where "different" doesn't mean "better."
At its core, the PC version of Spider-Man 2 is attempting to do the same thing that the console game does. It takes only the most basic shreds of story from the movie of the same name and inserts them into an action game. In an attempt to liven things up a bit, the game does more than merely pit Spider-Man against Dr. Octopus. You'll also face other villains, like Mysterio, the Puma, and on multiple occasions you'll square off against Rhino. When you aren't doing that, you're stopping bank robberies and beating up on other, lesser thugs.

256 MB RAM

                                                                 Password:- raja
                                                      -CLICK DOWNLOAD TO START

Baca Selengkapnya - SPIDERMAN 2

Operation Wolfsburg

| Action (Tactical / Shooter) / 3D | {156 Mb}
Egypt, 1939 – Fritz Braun, leader of an German Special research unit discovers on one of his excavations a mysterious material from which, according to tradition an incredible amount of energy can be extracted. Immediately, the mysterious material is transported to Germany, where he possibilities employment as military weapon is tested in secret underground experimental plants.
Even though the research is kept strictly secrecy, the Americans learn of the German plans and send their best secret service agent Mike Baker to Germany with the order to obtain information, to capture the leader of theresearch Fritz Braun and to destroy the experimental plants. In the middle of the raging war, Mike Baker hat to search for hints for the secret location of the testing labs. Finally, he receives information which are leading him to amysterious castle in south Germany: The Wolfsburg ! On his arrival, he has to notice that of the Germans have lost control of their excavations and are threatening lead to horrible disasters. Will Mike Baker succeed in destroying the underground experimental plants together with their terrible monstrous inventions?

* 10 varied Missions
* Authentic weapons of WW II
* Mysterious mission targets
* Submissions
* Super sound and music effects for a thrilling atmosphere
* Sniper Mode

System requirements:
Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP
256 MB RAM main memory
500 MB free hard drive space
64 MB graphics card with 3D Acceleration
DirectX 9.0


Password:- raja

link download

Baca Selengkapnya - Operation Wolfsburg